rill, encoding, formats, flowing stuff, project luxOperon
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rill, encoding, formats, flowing stuff, project luxOperon
Last updated
Touch may be seen as a blend of signals spread through space (as is primarily the case with vision) and through time (as is primarily the case with hearing).
We hope to make our tactile rendering engine (and haptic waveforms / compositions / descriptions) compatible with the industry standards still being developed.
Unproven, aspirational gobbledygook. We hope to 'close the loop' by using our bioelectric sensors as a brain machine interface (BMI / BCI). We hope the protocols developed may be general enough to carry on to other modalities (e.g. used in cochlear implants and brain implants). This may allow one to make, at whim, sense organs.
We're looking for a model which allows end users to retain ownership over their data and designers over their explorations. Perhaps a crypto token backbone which allows for reducing micropayments in both cases (with manufacturers / network providers providing a bridge). All yet ill conceived.